Sunday, 19 February 2012

Games Bases Learning

I have had to spend some time researching information about 'Games based Learning' and how it can enhance learning and teaching in the classroom. Being a "Digital Immigrant" my knowledge of computer games has been limited to video games, Tetris and latterly the Nintendo Wii. Unfortunately I have also been absent during Games Based Learning elective inputs dated 06/02/12 and 09/02/12 so the following information I have collated from a number of sources.

What is effective Games Based Learning and why does it work?

According to Dr.Susan Ambrose, Director of Carnegie Mellon's Eberly Centre for Teaching Excellence,
Good game-based learning applications can draw us into virtual learning environments that look and feel familiar and relevant.... this is motivational because we can quickly see and understand the connection between the learning experience and our real life work.
(New Media Institute, 2012, p.1.)

I am aware from reading the power points and speaking to peers that Dundee University Lecturer's David Miller and Jill Shimi presented an input about Games Based Learning, specifically relating to 'DrKawashima's Brain Training, 'Nintendogs' and 'Guitar Hero'.

During my first year at University, whilst undertaking my 1SE1 placement I had the opportunity to observe a primary 3/4 class using Guitar Hero as their term topic. They were linking the game with a variety of subjects, including maths (speed, time), Music (notes and bars), Health and Wellbeing, (social interaction, effective group work and turn taking and Art, (creating band posters for a concert). Initially I was a little sceptical but through speaking to their teacher and observing them undertaking Guitar Hero activities it was clear that the game was a familiar stimulus to enhance cross-curricular learning. Pupils were motivated and enthusiastic about independantly developing their learning around the game building on their confidence and self esteem. They were also developing effective communication and collaboration skills, and parallel to this were developing new and existing friendships. In Jill Shimi's study into the Nintendo DS game 'Nintendogs' she noted in her findings that the game

'increased social interactions, especially with the less confident children'
(Shimi.J, 2010. page given)

I also noticed that the children were developing skills in basic ICT like monitor and keyboard functions along with enhancing sensory functions, eg- hand/eye co-ordination, effective listening and fine motor skills. In 2003, LTScotland produced a document called 'Early Years Matters 4' that looks at how games based learning through ICT can motivate learning in the early years,

ICT has a great capacity to enable children to engage positively in imaginative and active learning. The instant feedback it offers and the opportunity to present ideas in dynamic and stimulating ways is immensely valuable.

During the week commencing 13/02/12 my ICT group facilitated a games based learning activity with a class of primary 6 pupils from a local school. We had spend an earlier input choosing and then creating an activity that focused on the up and coming London Olympics as a context stimulus. As a group we had considered how specific games can enhance certain types of learning. We decided to create an activity that involved pupils using 'Mario and Sonic at the Olympic games on the Nintendo Wii.

Pupils were divided into two teams (one team 'Sonics' and one team 'Marios'). Students modelled how to play the game for the pupils. The pupils then had to race their character against a fellow pupil. The game/race was the stimulus for the lessons learning. (See lesson plan - Games Based Learning in the classroom, 16/02/12).

As a group we decided that the lesson learning would be centred around the use of Digi-Blu cameras. The camera takes approx 15 'snapshots' a second of an image, for example a plastecine character. Every 2-3 shots the character can be moved slightly. Each shot is stored on a reel.As the number of shots increases the gradual movement of the model develops. In this way the camera is creating a simple moving image (or animation).

The pupils were given instructions and shown how to play Mario and Sonic. They were to divide into two teams, one sonic and one mario. We set the game to play the olympic 100 metres race.
We then showed the pupils how to use the digiblu cameras. As a group we had set up a model racetrack (see picture below), and created plastecine characters of mario and sonic for the pupils to manipulate and race in a short animation. There were 2 stimulus of the Sonic and Mario game. Firstly, the pupil to win the race in each round was allowed to move their plasticine character further in the race and secondly pupils could observe how the characters on screen moved and try to mirror that with the plactecine characters in the animation.

Our Whiteboard Olympics Display

The Olympic 'hula-hoop' rings

Our 'Racetrack' and plastecine characters

As a group we asked for feedback from the pupils who attended this session. Inevitably the teams that won the race seemed to enjoy the activity more. Each group gave us a list of computer games they would like to see being allowed in the classroom. They included Fifa World Cup, Piggy Panic, Crazy cabinet, Nintendogs, Guitar hero and various Wii games like Wii Fit and Wii Sports resort.

In conclusion I feel that games based learning - when utilised and planned carefully - can be an effective 'hook' to expand and develop children's learning in the classroom. It can motivate, engage and excite, building on pupil's confidence and social interaction skills in a context that they are all to familiar with in their lives already. After all, as David Buckingham states

technology inherently fosters a more flexible, open-ended, student-led style of learning.
Buckingham.D (2008). p.99.


Buckingham,D. (2008) Beyond Technology. Children's Learning in the age of Digital Culture. Cambridge. Polity Press.

Early Years Matters Document (2003). Available online at: Accessed 18/02/12

New Media Institute. (2012). Available online at: Accessed 18/02/12.

Shimi.J, Miller.D, Hudson.A, Miller.A. (2010). Nintendogs as a contextual hub:an overview of the project. Annual Research Conference.

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Moving Image Education Continued 020212

Today in class we were given a number of presentations about Moving Image Education and Games Based Learning. ICT and Teaching staff from Fife Council (led by Jim Birnie, Education Adviser for ICT in Fife Schools) gave information about how using particular MIE software can enhance and extend teaching and learning in the classroom.

Each presentation focused on specific software, we looked at Comic Life, PIVOT animation, Story Boarding (on Smart Notebook) and adding music to animation using Sequal software.

Comic Life

Comic life software allows you to create your own comic strip using a variety of templates, word bubbles and caption boxes. The software appears easy to use and age appropriate for primary school children.

We were given a website (KLASK) where we could download 'Comic Life'software for a free trial. I feel that in the classroom this resource could promote media literacy, creativity and imaginative learning could create comic strips linking to cross curricular topic work. In language they could develop imaginative writing,story telling and sequencing skills. In ICT they could develop searching, selecting, formatting and presentation skills.

Linking to CfE outcome As I extend and enhance my knowledge of features of various types of software, including those which help find, organise, manage and access information, I can apply what I have learned in different situations. (TCH 2-03a)

PIVOT 'Stick Figure' Animation.

Pivot stick figure animation allows pupils to create their own characters and move them (or pivot) them to bring them to life. Each image is then sequenced into a short moving animation.Backgrounds can be added using either Microsoft paint or by downloading an image or picture. Characters can be manipulated to move the way the creator intends.

I found this software was clearly presented on the screen and young children would quickly be able to begin creating - even with limited ICT skills. As with Comic Life pupils would be able to create their own characters and world enabling then to extend literacy skills.

Linking to CfE outcome I have the opportunity to choose and explore an extended range of media and technologies to create images and objects, comparing and combining them for specific tasks.
(EXA 2-03a)

Pivot characters with the addition of microsoft paint creating a background.

Story Boards (using the smart notebook)

A story board is the initial scaffolded ideas of a story outline. The main points/images of a story that are drawn as a sequenced timeline of events. The story board helps create the main bones of the story and allows animators/film makers to 'flesh out' the rest of the story around each image. Story boards are used as a first step for putting initial story ideas down on paper. Animators, architects, set designers and comic artists all use story boards as an initial stimulus for their ideas.

An example of an initial story board taken from a recent 'James Bond' movie.

In the classroom story boards can be used across a number of curricular areas, foe example, Language (recording initial ideas for a story or play), Art (creating comic strips), Drama (sequencing a play).

Linking with CfE outcome I consider the impact that layout and presentation will have and can combine lettering, graphics and other features to engage my reader. (LIT 2-24a)

Sequal Software (adding music to animation)

Sequal software enables the user to add a variety of sounds and music to animation. During this presentation I felt the software was (at first glance) quite complicated and potentially intimidating to use for an ICT novice like myself. Various instruments can be selected and layered on top of each other to produce a piece of music. There are a number of choice options for each instrument that can be narrowed down further until the specific sound is found. For example you could choose 'drums and pecussion' then a sub-catagory of 'beats', a further category of 'pop' and then 'pop rock'. I feel that the software is excellent and would definitely enhance a piece of moving imagery but complicated to use unless there was substantial teaching that focused on step by step instructions to ensure the process was clear.

A screen image of sequal software during production of a piece of music.

This software would enable pupils to create, record and present very personal pieces of work.

Linking to CfE outcome I can create, capture and manipulate sounds, text and images to communicate experiences, ideas and information in creative and engaging ways. (TCH 2-04b)

Comic Life, PIVOT, Story Boarding and Sequal (music) software resources provide engaging, interactive and imaginative ways to extend learning across the curriculum. They are also able to engage a range of pupils with varying learning styles, for example, certain pupils prefer to learn by undertaking interactive activities whilst others prefer to talk, listen, analyse and plan in order to understand what is expected of them in their learning. This links well with Gardner's Multiple Intelligence theory that suggests that we all possess various types of intelligence, but tend to lean towards using preferred intelligence to learn. Gardner states,

"Human cognative competence is better described in terms of a set of abilities, talents, or mental skills....individuals possess each of these skills to some extent; individuals differ in the degree of skill and in the nature of their combination. (Gardner, 1993,p.6.)

In my opinion with the range of Moving Image technology described above I would (as a teacher) approach each resource with both enthusiasm and caution. I would have to be confident in my own knowledge of each resource before teaching it in the classroom. I would also ensure that pupils with varying preferred learning styles were either paired or grouped together when working on MIE projects. It would by my hope that as pupils worked together their skills and expertise in using this media would progress also.

Therefore my initial goal is to develop my understanding of Comic Life, Pivot, Sequal and storyboarding before I feel confident enough to use it in the classroom.


Gardner,H. (1993) Multiple Intelligences:New Horizons. New York. Basic Books.

Friday, 3 February 2012

Moving Image Education 300112

I have been lucky enough to have experienced Moving Image Education in the classroom environment. As part of the elective I was keen to develop my knowledge of this tool as I have observed how engaging and enjoyable it can be for pupils.

What is Moving Image Education? states that MIE "is about helping young people to question, analyse, explore and understand the meaning of what they are watching."

John Logie Baird gave the world's first public demonstration of a working television system that transmitted live moving images with tone graduation (grayscale) on 26 January 1926. It is clear that this invention changed how society communicates and disseminates information.

In regards to Education pupils are shown various media,eg films, t.v clips, adverts, animation etc... and are encouraged to develop skills relating to analysis, exploration, creating and resourcing and then sharing the information. The process can be engaging and stimulate learning across various aspects of the curriculum. "The visual stimulus of a film can fire children's imaginations" Moving Image Education (2009).For example, pupils' can develop creative writing skills around what they have watched. They can develop drama skills by continuing a story from where the clip finishes. They can develop ICT skills by creating their own moving images using sites like concept cartoons and vokis.

Learn how to read films like books
About the culture and heritage of moving images
A full guide to making your own movies, starting with simple and exciting activities
Free films, worksheets and many other classroom resources
Share knowledge and experience

I recently read one of my peer's blogs and noted that the above skills link well with information they had sourced about media literacy. Euan Cuthill (2012) noted that creating, exploring and resourcing information tie in well with the "3c's" of media literacy - Creative, Cultural and Critical.

For me there is a very obvious advantage here to using MIE throughout primary education. Each of the above skills encourages a higher order of thinking about specific learning. Breaking down and analysing a piece of media inevitably ensures the pupil has developed a deep understanding of the process and the imagery. This links well to Bloom's Taxonomy where learning progresses and deepens through understanding and analysis.


Blooms Taxonomy. Available online at: Accessed 030212.

John Logie Baird. Who invented the television. Available online at: Accessed 030212.

Moving Image Education.(2009) Available online at: Accessed 030212.

The 3 C's of media literacy. Available online at: Accessed 030212.

Moving Image Education 300112